Cellux Csoport, Zöld Fiatalok (ZöFi) Egyesület
A ZöFi több éves általános és középiskolai képzési tapasztalatait, illetve a Cellux Csoport ökológiai tudatosságot és vizuális kultúrát népszerűsítő workshopjainak módszertani újításait ötvöző interaktív utazó kiállítás, melyet eddig 6 fővárosi és vidéki helyszínen több mint 27ezer látogató tekintett meg.
"Kiállítás az emberi természetről és a fenntartható fejlődésről
"A Tükörben a Világ csapat a Zöld Fiatalok Egyesület és a Cellux Csoport tagjaiból alakult. Célunk a fiatalok figyelmének ráirányítása korunk globális társadalmi és környezeti kihívásaira. Üzenetünk, hogy az ember cselekvő lény, aki a szűkebb, tágabb világ történéseinek nem passzív elszenvedője, hanem kreatív alakítója. Keressük annak lehetőségeit, hogy hogyan élhetünk etikus, fenntartható és harmonikus módon."
A Cellux Csoport önállóan is jelölve lett Katalizátor-díjra
A ZöFi több éves általános és középiskolai képzési tapasztalatait, illetve a Cellux Csoport ökológiai tudatosságot és vizuális kultúrát népszerűsítő workshopjainak módszertani újításait ötvöző interaktív utazó kiállítás, melyet eddig fővárosi és vidéki 6 helyszínen több mint 27ezer látogató tekintett meg.
Mirror to the World exhibition
by Cellux Art Group and ZöFi- Hungarian Young Greens
The Mirror to the World team runs educational and awareness raising programs in Hungary, focusing on environmental protection and global solidarity. These are global issues that affect the Hungarian society, as they also affect many societies all over the earth.
The team was founded in 2006, with members coming from Cellux Art Group and ZöFi - Hungarian Young Greens. Children and Young people are the main target group. The strength of the Mirror to the World team lies in art and creative expressions.
Drawing on these creative tendencies, in 2008 the Mirror to the World exhibition on Human Nature and Sustainability was created. This is an interactive exhibition that serves as an educational and awareness raising tool. Participants in the exhibition are invited to take part in a dialogue on the principle themes and with this goal: to discover ethical, sustainable and harmonious lifestyles in the world at large and in the small details all around us. The driving force of this unique exhibition rests in art, creative expression and the opportunity to interact directly with one's own feelings and ideas about the subject matter and one's newly formed impressions.
The central question of the exhibition is: What does a human being need in order to be happy and how do those needs affect his or her environment? The answers are expressed in ten thematic rooms, each of them composed of installations and interactive games.
The names of the rooms are: knowledge, survival, choice, creation, identity, relaxation, security, love, dream, and participation. Every room features three-dimensional objects and displays, including things that can be held or played with, question to discuss, pictures to compare, facts to learn about, places to make small crafts, or games to be played. A tour guide leads groups through each of the ten rooms, explaining the important concepts and allowing the participants ample time to explore each idea and interact with the provided elements.
To take a peak at the exhibition and get a sense of its special atmosphere, you may visit the gallery or take a look at the 4-minute video-clip.
Inspiration for the content of the exhibition was drawn from the All We Need Exhibition that took place in Luxembourg in 2007. The concept of thematic spaces was key, with new ideas built around them.
Thanks to the financial support of Öko-Pack Nonprofit Company, the exhibition is currently on tour in several major towns in Hungary.
The Mirror to the World team offers workshops for young people between the ages of 10 and 18, concerning various topics.
The Way We Live explores environmental challenges, ecological footprint and the Happy Planet Index.
Our Food introduces the importance of local food production and Fair Trade. In the course of this workshop we prepare a special salad together.
With Cool Stuff? participants get the chance to create objects from recycled materials. They learn about ways of preventing waste production and how to boycott sweatshop industries.
We hold trainings for high school as well as university teachers. The Mirror to the World Educational Toolkit consists of 33 interactive games and background materials. Activities in this publication provide ideas for multiplicators and for the introduction of global challenges in the classroom
Article in English: Facing the Mirror
Cellux Art Group is also nominated for the Catalyst Award