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The Big Picture - Bodoni Zsolt kiállítása / Exhibition of Zsolt Bodoni, Art Factory Gallery, 2008
Bodoni Zsolt (született 1975, Élesd, Románia) budapesti székhelyű festőművész, az Élesdi Művésztelep egyik alapítótagja. Egyéni kiállításai voltak New Yorkban, Londonban, Brüsszelben és Budapesten. 2009-ben a Flash Art beválogatta a "Top 100 feltörekvő művészének" névsorába. Első egyéni kiállításáról az Egyesült Államokban Az Art in America is beszámolt:
"Bodoni glorifies the living, breathing working men who patiently care for outdated statues amid strained conditions in the once-Communist countries of Eastern Europe. Even when slated for removal, these statues continue to demand attention, much like spoiled, needy children. The past cannot be dismantled in a single stroke; ironically, it consumes the attention of the very people committed to dismantling it in the interests of forging a better future." (Art in America)
Zsolt Bodoni (born 1975 in Alesd, Romania) is a painter based in Budapest. He is one of the founders of Alesd Art Colony. He has had solo exhibitions in New York, London, Brussels and in Budapest. In 2009, Flash Art chose Bodoni as one of their "Top 100 Emerging Artists". Hist first solo show in the United States was Reviewed by Art in America:
"Bodoni glorifies the living, breathing working men who patiently care for outdated statues amid strained conditions in the once-Communist countries of Eastern Europe. Even when slated for removal, these statues continue to demand attention, much like spoiled, needy children. The past cannot be dismantled in a single stroke; ironically, it consumes the attention of the very people committed to dismantling it in the interests of forging a better future." (Art in America)